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  • April 13, 2023
  • HDSIComm

Beyond classification: using Machine Learning to probe new physics with the ATLAS experiment in “impossible” final states

Abstract: Although the discovery of the Higgs Boson is often referred to as the completion of the Standard Model of Particle Physics, the many outstanding mysteries of our universe indicate that […]

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  • April 7, 2023
  • Kaleigh O'Merry

Decoding Nature’s Message Through the Channel of Artificial Intelligence

Abstract: Nature contains many interesting physics we want to search for, but it cannot speak them out loud. Therefore physicists need to build large particle physics experiments that encode nature’s message into experimental data. My research leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning to maximally decode nature’s message from those data. The questions I want to ask nature is: Are neutrinos Majorana particles? The answer to this question would fundamentally revise our understanding of physics and the cosmos. Currently, the most effective experimental probe for Majorana neutrino is neutrinoless double-beta decay(0vββ). Cutting-edge AI algorithms could break down significant technological barriers and, in turn, deliver the world’s most sensitive search for 0vββ. This talk will discuss one such algorithm, KamNet, which plays a pivotal role in the new result of the KamLAND-Zen experiment. With the help of KamNet, KamLAND-Zen provides a limit that reaches below 50 meV for the first time and is the first search for 0νββ in the inverted mass ordering region. Looking further, the next-generation 0vββ experiment LEGEND has created the Germanium Machine Learning group to aid all aspects of LEGEND analysis and eventually build an independent AI analysis. As the odyssey continues, AI will enlighten the bright future of experimental particle physics.

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