General Information

Students with a documented disability may be eligible for accommodations. The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) is responsible for determining reasonable accommodations based on the individual’s current functional limitations. Only students who have been issued an Authorization for Accommodation (AFA) letter by the OSD are eligible for accommodations. The Data Science OSD Liaison and faculty will work directly with students to facilitate all exam accommodations for undergraduate courses offered by the Data Science department.

Information for Students

Students seeking accommodations in any course offered by the Data Science Department must follow the steps below. Students are responsible for registering promptly with the OSD. In order to ensure that accommodations are met, students MUST follow the procedures of both the OSD and the Data Science department.

  1. Students consult with an OSD Disability Specialist quarterly, as soon as course registration occurs, to obtain an Authorization for Accommodation (AFA) letter for each course in which accommodations are needed. Students will utilize an online portal to accept their accommodations, which will send AFA letters to instructors and OSD department liaisons.
  2. Once an AFA letter is issued for a course offered by the Data Science department, students should connect with their respective course instructor(s) to discuss accommodations as soon as possible.
  3. The Data Science department will email students with OSD exam accommodations to meet with the Data Science OSD Liason virtually once the department receives the respective AFA letter(s). Students should meet with the OSD Liaison no later than Friday of Week 2 of the quarter to receive exam accommodations. During this meeting with the OSD Liaison, the student should bring:
      • A list of all exams in all Data Science courses they are enrolled in. Include the scheduled date, time, and location of each exam.
      • Resolutions worked out between student and instructor(s) (e.g., time conflicts, limit of one exam per day, overlapping exams).
    • The OSD Liaison will work with the course instructor to make arrangements for the student’s exams. Whenever possible, the exam will be scheduled for the same date and time as the original exam. Students will be notified via the email regarding when and where their exam will take place.