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Event Series Special Seminar Series

Paths to AI Accountability | Sarah H. Cen

Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute (HDSI), Room 123, 3234 Matthews Ln, La Jolla, CA, 92093, United States

Speaker: Sarah H. Cen Abstract: We have begun grappling with difficult questions related to the rise of AI, including: What rights do individuals have in the age of AI? When should we regulate AI and when should we abstain? What degree of transparency is needed to monitor AI systems? These questions are all concerned with AI accountability: determining who owes responsibility and to whom in […]

Event Series Special Seminar Series

Forecasting the Antibody Response against the Influenza Virus | Tal Einav

Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute (HDSI), Room 123, 3234 Matthews Ln, La Jolla, CA, 92093, United States

Abstract: Although influenza is one of the best-studied viruses, vaccine effectiveness remains around 20-50%. A sizable fraction of people exhibit a weak or short-lived antibody response following vaccination, yet we cannot identify these individuals a priori nor ascertain whether a different vaccine would have served them better. In this talk, we demonstrate how machine learning can […]

Event Series Seminar Series

Mayank Garg | Tackling Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) : Integrated and Holistic Approaches

Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute (HDSI), Room 123, 3234 Matthews Ln, La Jolla, CA, 92093, United States

When Monday July 22nd 2:00pm Where: HDSI MPR 123 Zoom Info: Title: "Tackling Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) : Integrated and Holistic Approaches" Abstract: ARDS is a complex heterogenous disorder which forms a significant health care burden. Pathophysiologically, ARDS is caused by multiple aetiologies which can lead to the diversity in clinical presentation seen. In our work with […]

HDSI/TILOS Seminar | Rob Nowak | What Kinds of Functions do Neural Networks Learn? Theory and Practical Applications

Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute (HDSI), Room 123, 3234 Matthews Ln, La Jolla, CA, 92093, United States

When Wednesday July 24th 10:00am *Updated Where: HDSI 123 * Updated Zoom Info: *Updated Title: What Kinds of Functions do Neural Networks Learn?  Theory and Practical Applications Abstract:  This talk presents a theory characterizing the types of functions neural networks learn from data. Specifically, the function space generated by deep ReLU networks consists of compositions of functions from the […]

MathWorks Technical Seminar: AI & Machine Learning in Real-World Systems

Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute (HDSI), Room 123 3234 Matthews Ln, La Jolla, CA, United States

Beyond their use in traditional data analytics problems, AI and Machine Learning techniques are changing the way real-world complex systems (like vehicles, airplanes, and even industrial production lines) are designed, tested and fabricated. When building these systems, engineers rely heavily on modeling and computer-assisted simulations. This seminar showcases how MATLAB and Simulink can help integrate […]

Event Series Seminar Series

HDSI Seminar – Generative Social Choice | Ariel Procaccia

Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute Room 123, 3234 Matthews Ln, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA

Talk Information: When Monday Oct 21st 1:00pm Where: HDSI MPR 123 Zoom Info: Title: Generative Social Choice Abstract: "The mathematical study of voting, social choice theory, has traditionally only been applicable to choices among a few predetermined alternatives, but not to open-ended decisions such as collectively selecting a textual statement. This limitation is addressed by generative social choice, a design methodology […]

Deep Learning: a Non-parametric Statistical Viewpoint

Atkinson Hall, Fourth Floor

ABSTRACT The advent of deep learning has completely revolutionized how we perceive data to obtain superhuman performance across all fields of modern science. However, despite the remarkable empirical successes of deep learners, the theoretical guarantees for their statistical accuracy remain rather pessimistic. In particular, the data distributions on which deep learners are generally applied, such […]

Event Series Seminar Series

HDSI Seminar – Maksim Kitsak -Modeling and Inference of Complementarity Mechanisms in Networks.

Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute, 3234 Matthews Ln, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA Room 123

Talk Information: When Wednesday Oct 30th 1:00pm Where: HDSI MPR 123 Zoom Info: Title: Modeling and Inference of Complementarity Mechanisms in Networks. Abstract: "In many networks, including networks of protein-protein interactions, interdisciplinary collaboration networks, and semantic networks, connections are established between nodes with complementary rather than similar properties. What is complementarity? The Oxford Dictionary asserts that […]

Event Series Seminar Series

Revisiting Scalarization in Multi-Task Learning | Prof. Han Zhao

Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute (HDSI), Room 123, 3234 Matthews Ln, La Jolla, CA, 92093, United States

Title: Revisiting Scalarization in Multi-Task Learning Abstract: Linear scalarization, i.e., combining all loss functions by a weighted sum, has been the default choice in the literature of multi-task learning (MTL) since its inception. In recent years, there has been a surge of interest in developing Specialized Multi-Task Optimizers (SMTOs) that treat MTL as a multi-objective optimization problem. […]

Event Series Seminar Series

HDSI Seminar – Hongzhe Li

Computer Science & Engineering Building (CSE), Room 1242 3234 Matthews Ln, La Jolla, CA, United States

When Wednesday Feb 5th 2:00pm Where: Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) 1st floor, Seminar Room 1242 Title: Fréchet Regression of Random Objects on Vector Covariates and Its applications for Single Cell RNA-seq Data Analysis Abstract: Population-level single-cell RNA-seq data captures gene expression profiles across thousands of cells from each individual in a sizable cohort. This data facilitates the […]