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Appointment of Michael Pazzani as HDSI Distinguished Scientist

  • By pendari1080
  • March 6, 2020

Michael Pazzani received his PhD in CS (Artificial Intelligence) from UCLA in 1988. His career includes Division Director term at NSF-IIS (Information and Intelligent Systems) as well as VC Research at Rutgers and UC Riverside. He is currently Professor Emeritus of Computer Science and Engineering, Statistics and Psychology at UC Riverside. His scholarship is in the areas of Machine Learning, Causal Inference, Bayesian Statistics with most recent work on Explainable AI, a topic where he currently runs a DARPA-sponsored project. His highest cited publications are on Bayesian Classifier (Machine Learning, 1997) and Content-based recommendation systems (The adaptive web, 2007). His latest research appears in venues such as IEEE TKDE, Sensors, and CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction.